Compound Words

General Rule 7

Main Rule

Compound words, such as the following nouns, do not take okurigana according to customary usage.


  1. Vocabulary of specialized fields, where the customary usage is accepted and firmly established.
For post, status or positional titles, etc. 関取 頭取 取締役 事務取扱
When Used for Artifact Names 《博多》織 《型絵》染 《春慶》塗 《鎌倉》彫 《備前》焼
Other Cases 書留 気付 切手 消印 小包 振替  切符 踏切
請負 売値 買値 仲買 歩合 両替 割引  組合 手当
倉敷料 作付面積
売上《高》 貸付《金》 借入《金》 繰越《金》 小売《商》 積立《金》 取扱《所》 取扱《注意》 取次《店》 取引《所》 乗換《駅》 乗組《員》 引受《人》 
  1. Generally accepted words accepted as established customary usage.
奥書 木立 子守 献立 座敷 試合 字引 場合 羽織 葉巻 番組 番付 日付 水引 物置 物語 役割 屋敷 夕立 割合
合図 合間 植木 置物 織物 貸家 敷石 敷地 敷物 立場 建物 並木 巻紙
受付 受取
浮世絵 絵巻物 仕立屋


  1. Even if other kanji are inserted into the 《 》of the examples such as 「《博多》織」and「売上《高》」and the like given [above], General Rule 7 still applies.
  2. General Rule 7 is not limited to the examples given [above]. Consequently, as long as the usage is fixed [i.e. to a specific context], this rule should be applied to the word in analogous cases. If it is difficult to decide whether General Rule 6 or 7 should be applied, General Rule 6 should be used.
Further Reading

I didn't add furigana to the examples in General Rule 7 to save time. These examples are somewhat specialized, i.e. more "rare," so I'll let you translate them on your own time. Here are some resources: