Independent Inflectional Words

General Rule 1

Main Rule

Except for those cases covered in General Rule 2, inflectional endings are written as okurigana.

Examples Word Class
いきどお   うけたまわ     みの   もよお -u Verbs
きる   おちい れる   かんが える   たす ける -ru Verbs
あら   いさぎよ   かしこ     おも Adjectives
-ru (一段) Verb Conundrum

The penultimate イ or エ syllables of 一段動詞 (-ru verbs) do not change form as these verbs inflect. By definition, this means it is part of the stem not the inflectional tail, right?

Wrong! Japanese traditionally treats the イ and エ penultimate syllables as part of inflectional tail and not part of the stem (despite not changing form).

For this reason the イ and エ penultimate syllables are included in okurigana as part of the inflectional tail. This is a helpful way to identify (most) -ru verbs.


  1. 形容詞 (i-adjectives) with stems ending in し include the し in the okurigana.


いちじる しい   しい   くる しい   こい しい   めずら しい
  1. 形容動詞 (na-adjectives) with stems ending in か, やか, or らか include the か, やか, or らか in the okurigana.
Examples Case
あたた かだ   こま かだ   しず かだ
おだ やかだ   すこ やかだ   たいら やかだ やか
あき らかだ   たい らかだ   なめ らかだ   やわ らかだ らか
  1. The following [33] words have okurigana as shown:
あか む   あじ う   あわ む   いつく む   おそ る   おど す   おびや す   かか る   う   こと る   さか う   つか る   むら る   やわ ぐ   る   あか い   あぶ い   あや い   おお い   すく い   ちい い   つめ い   ひら い   あら だ   おな だ   さか だ   たい だ   ねんご だ   みじ だ   あわ だ   さいわ だ   しあわ だ   たく


Acceptable alternatives to the standard okurigana spellings for the following [six] words are shown in parenthesis:

あらわ す(表す)   あらわ す(著す)   あらわ れる(現れる)   おこな う(行う)   ことわ る(断る)   たまわ る(賜る)


Words where the stem and inflectional ending cannot be subdivided, for example る, る, or る, should be written in like manner [i.e. they do not include the penultimate syllable in the okurigana].

No Root Okurigana?!

As noted in the -ru (一段) Verb Conundrum (above) the penultimate イ and エ syllables of 一段動詞 (-ru verbs) are treated as part of the inflectional tail, thus included in the okurigana. This cautionary note regards two-syllable 一段動詞 (-ru verbs) or the irregular verb る. In these cases, the first syllable is left inside the kanji.